我有一个Ionic 2应用程序,可以在
Xcode 8.2.1模拟器环境中构建并测试,例如: iPhone7(建立成功).
当我尝试存档应用程序以创建要在设备上设置的ipa文件时,我遵循these说明.但是产品 – >档案是灰色的.所以我将活动方案更改为通用iOS设备.
但是当我点击Product – >存档,我得到Build失败.
theWhoZoo has conflicting provisioning settings. theWhoZoo is
automatically signed for development,but a conflicting code signing
identity iPhone distribution has been manually specified. Set the code
signing identity value to “iPhone Developer” in the build settings
editor,or switch to manual signing in the project editor. Code
signing is required for product type ‘Application’ in SDK ‘iOS 10.2’
问题出在代码签名身份中.这是Xcode最新版本中出现的一个新问题.转到代码签名身份,然后添加其他并输入“iPhone Developer”,如错误消息中所示并保存,然后这将显示.